Learn Tutorial Opnet on MAC protocols in WLAN and Routing Protocols in wireless Mesh Networks.Opnet referred as Optimized Network Engineering Tool mainly implemented to analyze the network performance. We provide four tools called editor with Opnet to develop a system model. We believe that Opnet research projects ensure a help for designer, architect, students, research scholars and teachers to get an objective of OPNET in various domain applications. By Opnet research projects, we study various network such as wireless network, distributed systems, wired networks, communication networks, TCP/IP and Internet technologies which developed from IEEE based papers.
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Tutorial Opnet About Indoor WLAN Mobility:
Follow below steps for carrying WLAN Projects using Opnet Modeler.Below tutorial Opnet points helps in building effective Indoor WLAN Projects.
- Network Designer Require method to locate Access point (AP) at correct angle building.
- More Obstacles occurred when deploying WLAN, Which inturn demand seamless indoor handover.
- We emerge wireless local Area Network (WLAN) in wireless communication family.
- When user require high data rate for WLAN then it more burden to make seamless converge.
- WLAN exhibit limitation in coverage when performing crowded office (or) building due to transmit power, receive power, propagation loss, fading and other basic obstacles.
- Network designer require method to locate access point (AP) at correct angle building.’
Characteristic for Indoor Environment Using Opnet: We provide indoor environment with two elements are:

- Static Elements: Static elements such as natural and manmade materials.
- Dynamic Elements: Dynamic element comprises moving objects.
Indoor Propagation in WLAN:
This mechanism requires overcoming three specific main electromagnetic wave phenomena namely.
- Scattering.
- Reflection.
- Diffraction.
Indoor Propagation Characteristics:
We consider fully obtaining maximum signal quality without any change in indoor
facilities such as chairs, tables, walls and other elements. Complexity of indoor
propagation model is ensuring sensitiveness and low probability line of sight
(LOS) path among transmitter and receiver.
Models in indoor propagation:
We describe the model as:
- Indoor Mathematical Path Loss Model:
By this model, it is difficult to determine because of physical barriers types
and materials within indoor structure.
- Friis Free Space Propagation Model:
By this model, the relationship among power loss in propagation to distance
of transmitter and receiver are measured.
Wireless Sensor Networks in Data Traffic:
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WSN composed of tiny, low power wireless sensors to sensing, computation and
ensure communication.
WSN Application:
We deploy WSN in more than 100+ projects and with various application are:
- Energy management.
- Health monitoring.
- Disaster management.
- Environmental observation.
- Habital Monitoring.
- Structural Monitoring.
WSN Internet Integration and QoS:
We integrate WSN with QoS to provide efficient results in academic projects are:
- Integration Approaches.
- Internet QoS and WSN QoS.
- Envisioned QoS Framework.
- Service differentiation of real time QoS and delay Tolerant QoS in WSN.
2. Opnet Documentation(modeler_docs_02-Sep-2008_win.exe).
3. Opnet Library (models_145A_PL8_24Sep08_win.exe).